Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hello, Again.

Two years.

Well, 22 months to be exact. It's funny how life gets in the way sometimes. You get caught up in this, busy with that. Sometimes you just forget. We're on facebook, or twitter, or pinterest. Anywhere but here, really.

But I miss this place. I miss the actual writing. I miss not being confined to 140 characters, or being able to expand not just on how I'm feeling or what I'm doing, but why I am feeling and doing those things.

So I'll make an effort.

We got a new computer, one that actually works. A mac, actually. That should help. We've settled into a marriage routine, where I can carve out some time to update. That should help. We have a good base of friends and what seems like things going on all the time, giving me something to write about. That should help.


So what have we been up to the last two years? There's so much I don't even know where to start. But I'll give a quick rundown.

Places we've been:
Italy (Rome, Florence/Tuscany, and Venice)
Portland (twice)
San Diego (a few times)
San Francisco
Philadelphia and New York City
Iowa City (of course)
Kansas City
Spain (Barcelona and Madrid)

Things we've been doing:
Renovated the kitchen, changing our island and adding granite.
Renovated the backyard almost completely.
Todd got a promotion.
Vicki's job is in the process of a merger, and who knows what will happen with it.
Had three cars totaled due to moron drivers.

What we haven't done:
Gotten pregnant. Ha! Just in case anyone was wondering.

I'm sure I'm missing things, but two years is a long time. It won't be that long until I write in here again.