Monday, June 24, 2013

Split Up

After our last big vacation in Spain in February, Vicki said to me 'I love going on these European trips, but for our next vacation I want to do nothing but lay in the sun by a beach. So we started planning our next trip - Somewhere near a beach.

We decided to go for Vicki's birthday, in June. We left on the 20th to do four days at an all-inclusive resort in Cabo San Lucas. We picked Cabo for two reasons: 1) It's a short two hour direct flight from Phoenix, and 2) US Airways had four flights a day between the two cities. When flying standby, that's something you have to look for. Lots of options. Though it also indicates that lots of people fly between the cities, which we'll get back to later...

As I said, we left on Thursday and took the first flight down. We were at the resort by just after 2pm. We were too early as it turned it, and had to wait about a half hour for the room to be ready. But with free drinks and a view like the one below we had nothing but time.
So we spent most of the next three days doing things that people do at an all-inclusive resort: Eating, drinking, and soaking up the sun. Cabo doesn't have the best beaches and the water is too rough to swim, so we spent most of our days in the resort pools. But we did spend time each day on the beach just watching the waves roll in. Staring out at the ocean watching the waves is one of my favorite things on earth to do.

We did take one small side trip, over to see the most famous landmark in Cabo, the Arch and Lover's Beach. It was a short water taxi ride over, and we spent a couple hours exploring the area. I'll post pictures a little later.

Finally Monday came, and it was time to come home. We left the resort about 9:30am, hoping to get on the 12:40 flight back to Phoenix. There ended up being only seat open on that flight, so as we have always done in 4 years of flying standby, we said we would not split up. Then the 2:10 flight rolled around. There was once again only 1 seat open, and Vicki and I made a decision we have never made before: We split up.

There were still two flights Monday, but they were tight, and we spoke to some standby passengers who had been waiting for 2 or 3 days to get home. Because of our priority level, we were first on the list to go. But if Vicki went without me, my priority level drops since she is the employee. And right now all of you are thinking 'Holy crap he got on a plane and left his wife in Mexico'.

Yes, yes I did.

I even sat first class on that plane while my wife waited in the airport in Mexico for the next flight two hours later.

In fact, I am writing this post from that first clsss seat on the plane. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Had we split up on the first flight,  I would be in Phoenix already and Vicki would be in this very same seat. As it stands, I'm on the plane, and we're hoping she gets on the next flight. It looked positive, but was going to be close again. I wont know if she got on it till after I land, maybe not even until she lands and calls me.

Its a funny thing this flying standby. It does afford you amazing opportunities to see the country and the world. But it also leaves you at times with some hard decisions to make. Today was the hardest. I am hoping we made the right decision, and it will all work out in the end.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Smiles With Miles

The last time I was in Sioux City was three years ago. With my parents now living part-time in AZ, and since my sister and her kids like to come visit, we simply haven't had many reasons to go back. But, three years is a long time. And we wanted to see my grandma, who is still in great shape considering she's 92 years old. 

So, the last week of May, Vicki and I took a long weekend back to my hometown. Besides my family, we wanted to see the Corporon's new baby Eliana. And since we were going back, the Kruse's decided to come down from MN (even though we found out later we weren't really the reason for them coming to Sioux City that weekend). We ended up having a great weekend with both family and friends. 

We got in late Thursday night in Omaha, and my parents picked us up. Friday morning Vicki went to get manicures and pedicures with my mom, sister, and niece, while I went golfing with my dad. My dad and I somehow managed to not just make the news, but lead-off the 6pm broadcast just by playing a round of golf. If you'd like to see the clip, you can click here (I'm in the white shirt). There clearly isn't much going on in Sioux City. Except for terrible weather, apparently.

Later Friday we had dinner with my family, and celebrated some birthday's. The three ladies in this picture all have a birthday within 22 days of each other. So, ice cream cake!
My sister Carin, her kids Emily and Cora, and of course Vicki.

Saturday we went bowling with my family and the kids, and then Saturday night Vicki and I were able to see and hang out with the Kruse's and Corporon's. Since Vicki had only been to SC a handful times, she hasn't experienced some of the finer establishments the city has to offer. So we set off to show her two of the best.

First up was Bob Roe's, which for my money is the best pizza in town. After stuffing ourselves, we embarked on the quest for a Sioux City original: Charley boys and schooners. That's right, we went to Miles Inn! In true Sioux City fashion, you can't go anywhere in that town without running into someone you know, and we ran into plenty of people I went to high school with.

We had a great night hanging out with friends and enjoying some charley boys and schooners, and now Vicki can say she's been to Miles Inn. Though we should have gotten a t-shirt. 

Vicki and Jennica

Eddie came out with us for a bit, and we ran into Trent Johnson.

The six of us.

All in all it was a good trip home, except for the part where we got stuck in Omaha for an extra day trying to fly back. Oh the joys of flying stand-by. But it was great seeing my family and some of our closest friends. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hello, Again.

Two years.

Well, 22 months to be exact. It's funny how life gets in the way sometimes. You get caught up in this, busy with that. Sometimes you just forget. We're on facebook, or twitter, or pinterest. Anywhere but here, really.

But I miss this place. I miss the actual writing. I miss not being confined to 140 characters, or being able to expand not just on how I'm feeling or what I'm doing, but why I am feeling and doing those things.

So I'll make an effort.

We got a new computer, one that actually works. A mac, actually. That should help. We've settled into a marriage routine, where I can carve out some time to update. That should help. We have a good base of friends and what seems like things going on all the time, giving me something to write about. That should help.


So what have we been up to the last two years? There's so much I don't even know where to start. But I'll give a quick rundown.

Places we've been:
Italy (Rome, Florence/Tuscany, and Venice)
Portland (twice)
San Diego (a few times)
San Francisco
Philadelphia and New York City
Iowa City (of course)
Kansas City
Spain (Barcelona and Madrid)

Things we've been doing:
Renovated the kitchen, changing our island and adding granite.
Renovated the backyard almost completely.
Todd got a promotion.
Vicki's job is in the process of a merger, and who knows what will happen with it.
Had three cars totaled due to moron drivers.

What we haven't done:
Gotten pregnant. Ha! Just in case anyone was wondering.

I'm sure I'm missing things, but two years is a long time. It won't be that long until I write in here again.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Married Life!


As most of you know, it's been kind of a whirlwind last six weeks for Vicki and I. In May we were in the Dominican for our wedding for a week from the 17th to the 25th. The weekend of June 18th we went to San Francisco to celebrate Vicki's birthday. The following weekend we were back in Iowa City for a small wedding reception with family and close friends. This past weekend, over the 4th, we took one night and went camping up north near Prescott Valley and Cottonwood.

With everything that has been going on, this blog hasn't been updated much. Expect that to change! I'll throw a couple links below to some pictures of our travels, but I'll also be putting up a blog post about each trip in the near future. In the meantime, take a look at the pictures and check back here often!

Click Here for pictures we took in the Dominican

Click Here for our Wedding Photographer's pictures

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wedding Reception in Iowa City

As most of you know, Vicki and I got married in the Dominican Republic on May 22. While we couldn't be more excited that a few of you were able to join us, many more of you were not able to make the trip. And since we'd love to see as many of you as possible, we have decided to have a cocktail reception in Iowa City to celebrate our marriage!

The reception will be on June 25, 2011, from 2-6pm at Atlas World Grill. The address is 127 Iowa Ave, Iowa City, IA 52240 (downtown Iowa City). We'd love to have as many people as possible at the reception, but we do ask that you RSVP by June 10th by emailing me. And of course, kids are more than welcome to join us!

After the reception we will enjoy a night out in downtown Iowa City to relive our college days. Please feel free to join us for that as well.

If you are in need of a place to stay for the weekend, the Heartland Inn on the Coralville Strip is offering a special rate for us. Their number is 319 351-8132. Just ask for the Smith-Macek rate.

Please see the "Wedding Information" links to the right for more information regarding our wedding (including pictures!) and our reception. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Phoenix Bachlorette

I thought in honor of our upcoming wedding on the beach, I'd change the background to display a taste of the big day! 

My work girls in Phoenix threw me a bachelorette party. It ended up being a complete success! We started drinks at a martini bar, AZ88, since I love martinis. It was a very swanky bar. We moved the party on to dinner at a Spanish Tapas restuarant: Tapas Pepin. The food was absolutely amazing, and the atmosphere included flamenco and salsa dancing. We ended the night at Martini Ranch, where a band, Rock Lobster, was playing 80s music (and some newer music!).
The work girls at AZ88: Cherame, Evelin, Erin, Saidah, and me

 Rachel and I
 Me opening goodies: a pink boa, feather crown, bride martini glass, and necklaces for everyone.
 They sent Todd a list of questions to answer. I had to guess how he answered, and take a drink for every answer I got wrong.
 Tapas Pepin

 Frog legs: absolutely amazing!!!
 Snails were yummy! 
 A very small sampling of food for the night. Since it was Tapas style, we got to share and try so many things. Yum, yum, yum! I want to go back!
 I was "forced" to flamenco. I was a good sport. 

 In line at Martini Ranch

 Enjoying the show! 

The night turned out so amazing! Meanwhile Todd awaits his bachelor bash in Chicago..... and I'm awaiting a girls weekend in Kansas City! Wedding countdown here we come! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

San Diego

Vicki and I decided to take a quick trip to San Diego the first weekend of December to celebrate my birthday. We left Phoenix on Saturday morning and were back Sunday afternoon. But we managed to pack quite a bit into that short time. Check out the pictures!

View from our Hotel.

Our Hotel

This is how you do breakfast. On the coast with a crab and shrimp 
stuffed omelette topped by creamy lobster sauce. And a mimosa.

Vicki in front of the Hotel Del Coronado.

The Pacific Ocean.

Waves rolling in. 

Vicki's first ever steps in the Pacific Ocean.

I've been in the Pacific Ocean before, but I still love it.

The two of us.

San Diego, December 2010.

Vicki and I at a wine bar in San Diego.