Saturday, September 5, 2009

Iowa vs UNI

We went to the Sandbar to watch the opening year football game; home of the Phoenix Iowa Club. They played an instate rival - University of Northern Iowa. Even though not a conference game, UNI gave Iowa a run for their money, which is not totally unusual. Nonetheless, our alma mater ended up winning 17-16. There was a good crowd out for the game watch, although I would expect many more at the conference game watches. Todd and I got up at 6 am, and made it to the Sandbar by 7:30 am. Our friend, Armando (And Arizona State grad) tagged along with us, sporting an Iowa shirt and all. We met up with one of Todd's college friends that just moved to Phoenix as well, and her boyfriend. I knew of quite a few people that were going to be there for the game, but whom I did not see. But considering I never left my seat except to use the restroom all morning, I'm not surprised I didn't run into them.

Armando engrossed in the Iowa game. Even the Arizona natives love Hawkeye football! ;) Armando said he'd never seen anything like these Hawkeye game watches before he met Todd and the other Iowa guys down here.

Me, Cara, Russ

The dogs, apparently all tuckered out from watching football all day as well!

On a side note, Todd's grandma called him tonight and wanted to talk to me. I haven't met her yet. Talking to her reminded me of my grandma when she was alive, and made me tear up. I wish my grandma could have met Todd before she died.......

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