Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Weekend in Review

This weekend we spent a lot of time (both Friday night and Sunday) up at the Smith Condo, trying to finish up the majority of the painting. Todd's parents are scheduled to come down to Phoenix the first week of October to buy furniture for their condo and get a little "moved in." I want to have the majority of the painting completed before we have to worry about working around furniture.

Saturday was an exciting day.... we officially started house hunting! We spent the morning with our realtor. For the most part, it was standard. Although we did run into one foreclosure that looked a little scary. It had graffiti and broken windows. And at another house, the owner was home and wouldn't answer the door. But we heard him yelling on the phone inside. We decided to scrap that one, and as we were pulling away, the guy came out waving us to come back. We did see two homes we liked; one in particular. We're hoping it can be ours!

Saturday evening we went out for a nice dinner for sushi and teppanyaki. We had Japanese beer; Sapporo and Kirin. Todd ordered spicy tuna (his favorite) and I ordered a new kind of sushi that was deep fried. It was yummy! We couldn't order off the teppanyaki menu without at least two entrees. We wanted to share one entree since we started with sushi. Luckily, one more group came in for teppanyaki. It turned out they were originally from Columbia, MO. So that started some conversations. The highlight was definitely the teppanyaki entree; we ordered lobster and beef tenderloin - beef on the rare side of course - we're from Iowa! YUM!!

Oh, and for a bit of trivia, Todd's brother Chris, was actually born in Japan, on a naval base. So he likes to tell people that he's Japanese.... might explain why the Smith's love sushi. :)

Before dinner Saturday night. We got a little dressed up for fun. And yes, that's me wearing a sweater in Arizona! It's starting to get down to a chilly 80 at night!

My camera has been sucking lately, and Chris was trying to take a pic for us. That's a bad combo. However, this "mess up" I actually like. I was laughing at Chris's attempts, and he caught me in a happy pose.

Oh, and don't forget that Iowa beat Arizona in football Saturday!! We have one friend in particular that went to Arizona. He told Todd he couldn't watch the game with us because "it wouldn't be good for our friendship." Actually, I think it was because he was too nervous about finding out some other results. After the game Saturday, he sent a picture text to Todd of a pregnancy test stick reading, "Pregnant." Guess they are expecting now, after 2 months of marriage!

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