Friday, October 23, 2009

United Way Jet Pull

One of the ways US Airways raises money for United Way every year, is to host a "jet pull." What that means is you pay $10 to enter the jet pull contest. The competition is to see how long it takes to pull a 10,000 lb airplane, 10 feet. Our team name was "Tow Fetish," and we pulled the plane 10 feet in 6.91 seconds. We were in third place for a short period of time. I don't know what the winning time ended up. But it was a fun morning at work!

The plane we pulled.

My Team.

Pulling the jet.

The whole team.

Our Score.

The Las Vegas crew brought in a couple of show girls. Had to get a pic!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hawkeye Spirit

This week was the United Way kickoff week at US Airways. On donation day, we had a "tailgating" day and everyone wore jeans and their favorite team items. I wore Hawkeyes, of course! This is Cherame and I (my next door cube neighbor). I also signed up this week for the United Way Jet Pull at the end of October. You donate $10 to participate in the Jet Pull. Yes, that's right - I mean people pulling a JET plane. We have a team and try to be the fastest team to pull a jet 10 feet.

We went to the Sandbar in Phoenix for the Iowa - Michigan game this weekend. We were hoping to make it back to Iowa City for the big game, but flights were too booked. We really didn't mind not having to freeze outside. It was 95 degrees at about kick off!

This week

Todd parents were in town this week. They came to work on getting their condo put together. We ended up going to dinner almost everynight this week. Todd's mom, on my request, brought in some family photo album's of the Smith's and Todd's pictures through the years. That was a lot of fun to see! And familiar, since I had older siblings as well and always looked so much younger than them in childhood pictures.

Carolyn, Terry, and Todd Smith, and me

Friday, October 9, 2009

Weekend in Omaha

Last weekend we headed to Omaha, NE because two of Todd's old college friends were getting married. We flew out Friday night (free thanks to my flight benefits). We had reservations to stay at the Marriott of course. They had an airport shuttle, but we were told it didn't run after 11, and our flight got in at 11:30. As we were leaving the airport, however, we ran into the Marriott shuttle van. It turns out that it only picks up airport crews after 11. So he let us jump on, and the crew from our own flight hopped in the van as well! We made it to the hotel and we met up with our friends, John and Kelly, for a little while.
The next day we were up bright and early as usual for a football Saturday. We went across the street from our hotel to a bar that was playing the Iowa game. Some of the other crew made it into town by then and joined us. Two of our friends from Sioux City (Aryon and Jennica) drove up Saturday just to see us while we were in town.

Jennica and I

Kelly and I

Todd and Aryon

The bar had a theater style seating area. I've never seen anything like it in a bar, so I had to take a picture of all the men probably escaping from their wives to watch football at a bar! Ha!

Todd and I at Jen and Mike's wedding

John and I

Trying to take a self-portrait.
It was a fun weekend. The wedding reception included an open bar all night with top shelf liquor. That couldn't have been cheap....The reception was inside an old Railroad Station turned Museum. It was also only 3 blocks from our hotel. It was nice to be able to walk everywhere all weekend. Although the walk home at the end of the wedding night was freezing!! Besides my wedding shoes, the only shoes I brought back for the weekend were flip flops. Not a good idea! Its amazing how quickly you get used to warmer weather. The heat in our hotel room was also broken the first night we were there! Thank goodness they got that fixed.
I did spent a little time down in "Old Market." Its a quaint, cute part of Omaha that has original brick streets and buildings. Its full of great restaurants and unique shops. I went shopping with the girls down there Saturday, and Todd and I ate breakfast there on Sunday at this awesome breakfast buffet that reminded me of Iowa River Power Co in Iowa City.
We were a little nervous about making it back to Phoenix on a flight. The flights were pretty full, and since we were flying standby, we weren't sure we could get on. Lucky us, my priority level got us on, but a couple of people below my priority didn't make it on the flight.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Here is the front of the house we put and offer on and was accepted this week by the seller! Its a short sale, so we still have to wait on the bank's decision. But we're crossing our fingers! 2600 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a pool of course! It was built in 2006 in a newly developed area of Phoenix: Laveen. Don't worry, Home Depot is right around the corner!

We'd like a bigger patio, for a grill/kitchen/bar area and a patio TV. That will come with time :)

There is actually grass for the dogs! But I didn't move to Arizona to mow grass! Luckily, a weed wacker is all that is needed! It will need some bigger palm trees and foliage eventually....