Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life in Phoenix so far

So the 20+ hour car ride down here wasn't so bad. Of course being stuck in a car for almost a whole calendar day sucks. But it went by surprisingly fast. I watched Pulp Fiction for the first time on the portable DVD players. That was a totally weird movie. And had Todd not been explaining the whole thing to me, I would have been completely lost. He says that its not a girl movie, but one every girl should watch just to say they've seen it. Apparently its a movie that people commonly quote. We also watched the first season of the Office. I didn't see very much of it though, as I was fading in and out of sleep at this time.

The dogs did surprisingly well. They slept most of the time, as is their normal day to day life. Izzy did a bit of whining. I think she just wanted to be out of the car. Our last stop was in Flagstaff at about 5 am. It was freezing cold there! Strange how weather 2 hours away from each other in AZ can be so different. We finally got into Phoenix about 7am.

The dogs made themselves at home almost instantaneously. Neither had any "potty" issues in the land of no grass. Izzy is as scared of the stairs of course. It is a long way up those in this house! The cats of the house have not really been around the dogs much yet. Although Gordan and Izzy are very curious about these cats. They try to get close to them, but the cats don't want anything to do with them yet. The dogs also started eating and drinking normally right away. That part is strange because they normally won't eat for awhile in a new place; so they must feel at home here.

They haven't really experienced the pool yet. They walk up to the side and looked in. I wonder what they think it is. I tried to put Gordan on the raft. He didn't know what to do.

We slept a lot that first day. Then it was off to Tucson for some friends' wedding. We ate at Quinton's sister bar (Bison Witches) for a late lunch on Friday when we got to Tucson. Quinton's is a bar well-known in downtown Iowa City. They are known for their colossal sized baked potatoes, and their breadbowl soups.-YUM! I used to frequent Quinton's on Monday's in IC for Martini Mondays.

We stayed at the Marriott on the University of Arizona Campus in Tucson. We were on the eight floor and had a nice view of the city.

Then it was off to the wedding that took place at the "Z Mansion." Its just a big house that hosts weddings, and has a beautiful backyard. It started pouring rain when we first got there, so the wedding got postponed for a bit. I'm told that rain in AZ is uncommon. Once the rain let up, the wedding was back on and it actually cooled down the weather a lot. The food was some type of Mexican cuisine - yummy! Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

This morning (Saturday) we ate lunch at Jimmy John's in Tucson, also on the U of A campus. I'm used to eating at Jimmy John's for lunch at my old job at Gentiva in Overland Park. Todd hasn't eaten JJ's for years because they aren't in Phoenix. So we had to be reminiscent of old times and eat there while we had a chance in Tucson. JJ's was right on campus, in an area that totally reminded me of the Ped Mall and campus area in Iowa City. It almost felt like home. At Jimmy John's, a guy approached us asking about Iowa, because we were both sporting Iowa hats. He was from Waterloo. Iowan's are always so friendly! I love being able to say I'm from Iowa! There really is just something about Iowa Folk. :)

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