Thursday, July 30, 2009

Passing the time away

I'm currently in limbo. I have a job, but am waiting on the results of the drug test and background check. Originally, US Airways said I'd be starting this week, but apparently its taking longer than expected. I hope I start by Monday then!

For now, I'm living the easy life. Although I have been working on unpacking boxes (especially my precious clothes!) and organizing what's left of the rooms. If I had paint here, I'd start painting the Smith house. I cleaned the bathroom almost top to bottom today. I've also been running errands the past few days, trying to fit in things that won't be as easy once I'm back to full time office life.

I took the dogs to the vet yesterday to have their anal glands "expressed." Their breed has to have that done regularly or they get real uncomfortable and the glands can explode. I don't want to know what happens in that case. Anyways, it ended up costing over a hundred dollars because they charged me for two office visits since the dogs had never been seen. Izzy also got eye drops because her eyes have been very red and dischargy lately. They think she might be allergic to cats, or the heat just bothers her. I hope its the heat! And I saw the first tick I've ever seen on a dog, on Izzy yesterday! Needless to say, I ran home and put fresh Frontline on the dogs. Now I just need to shave them down so they aren't wearing a winter coat in the Arizona heat.

We are heading back to the midwest in two weekends for a wedding of one of Todd's Sioux City friends. The wedding will be in Lincoln, NE. I will be meeting Todd's parents and his sister's family also. Will be an interesting weekend. Todd also has a chance to (possibly) go to Seattle for work the end of August. If that happens, he will stay till the weekend, and I'll fly out on my flight benefits for a weekend getaway.

For now, I think I'll go finish out the rest of one of my last "free" days by the pool!

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