Tuesday, July 7, 2009

T Minus 1 Week And Counting!

Wow, getting close huh? Sometimes i'm still in shock we actually got all this done and thrown together so quickly! One week from today i will fly back to KC, hop in a car with Vicki and we'll make our way back down to Phoenix. And then, almost as soon as we get here, it's off to Tucson for a wedding.

Vicki is working hard every day to get boxes packed in preparation for the move. She's up to 30 or so, and at least according to her is making pretty good progress. I moved with my brother and his wife into a new house just about a month ago, so i know how much packing boxes sucks. It must be even worse doing an entire house by yourself though. Sorry i'm not there to help Vicki!!

I am looking forward to having Vicki here with me, it will be great to be able to see her every day instead of one weekend a month. And of course we're both looking forward to having all of this moving stuff be over and done with! Just one more week and we're homefree...

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