Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Turn

So apparently I've been a little slacking in the posting department, as Vicki has been doing most of that lately. But she has done a pretty good job of keeping everyone up to date with what's been going on.

One thing she did fail to mention was an Arizona Diamondbacks game we went to a few weeks back. On Monday of Vicki's second week at work, one of the guys she interviewed with (who is a friend of some friends of mine at US Airways) offered her the US Airways tickets to the game. She asked me if i wanted to go to the game, and of course i said yes. I've been in the US Airways suite at center court of a Phoenix Suns game and their corporate tent at the FBR Open, so i assumed the US Airways tickets to the Dbacks game were pretty good.

And clearly i was correct. We were sitting behind home plate, down the third base line just a bit, in the 8th row. In the picture below, the head you see in the bottom right corner in the white shirt is Derrick Hall, Dbacks President and CEO. His seats were just six rows in front of ours...
Stephen Drew at the plate.

The Dbacks won the game, 7-4, over the New York Mets. It was an entertaining game, as the Dbacks jumped out to early lead, and the Mets tried to climb back into the game. Below are some more pics from the game.

Doug Davis at 2nd base.

Mark Reynolds at the plate.

The Dbacks TV broadcast booth, Mark Grace and Daron Sutton.

Vicki and I had a lot of fun at the game, and are hoping to get the US Airways tickets again. After sitting in the 8th row, nothing else seems quite as nice... =)


As Vicki mentioned, we're heading up to Denver next weekend (Labor Day) to take advantage of her flight benefits for the first time. I found a really cheap hotel rooms in downtown Denver fr the weekend, and the Dbacks are there to play the Rockies. So in addition to watching the first Iowa football game of the season, we're planning on going to a baseball game as well. And we'll be seeing some friends of Vicki's from college, as well as my friends the Longstreth's, whose wedding we just attended in Lincoln, NE.

Everything else just keeps moving along here in Phoenix. I keep hoping at some point the temperatures will break, but it's still hitting 110+ here and there. One of these days, one of these days...

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