Sunday, August 23, 2009

Work Update

So, work has been slowly getting better. I'm starting to catch on to the world of Finance. Once this budget season is over, I should be able to get a better grasp on things. Last Friday was a birthday of one of my co-workers. Here's a pic of some of the girls in my department.

Me, Seidi, Cherame, Laura, Saidah

Everyone is pretty fun that I work with, I just haven't had too much time to get to know them yet because its so busy. It was Cherame's birthday, and we all went to Ra Sushi after work for happy hour and sushi. I work right off of Mill Street in Tempe. Mill Street is an area that reminds me of the Iowa City Ped Mall-lots of bars, restaurants, and unique shops. Of course, its right on the ASU campus. Todd came and joined us and got to meet a lot of my co-workers. Todd and I actually only work a couple miles from each other in Tempe.

The sushi Todd and I had at Ra.

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